and welcome to the weekly appointment of the "ALLENAMENTE".
It's your English teacher Monica, that speaks to you.
The game that I want to propose you is GUESS WHO?
Quello che vi chiedo e leggere la descrizione presente sotto e provare ad indovinare, chi è il compagno o la compagna che ho scelto di presentare.
Come sempre, assegnerò un punteggio a chi capirà il nome e riserverò un premio extra , che consegnerò a Settembre a colui o colei, sarà il più veloce nel fornirmi la risposta corretta.
OK!!! Are you ready?
Ready, steady, go!!!!!
Ecco la descrizione:
She is a pretty girl. She has got long, straight, blonde hair and her eyes are light-blue, with long eyelashes.
She is very tall and thin. She is an ordinary , quite, timid girl. She hasn't got freckles. She likes clothes. She is a nice person.
In your family there are three people; your mother, your father and her smaller brother.
She is a pretty girl. She has got long, straight, blonde hair and her eyes are light-blue, with long eyelashes.
She is very tall and thin. She is an ordinary , quite, timid girl. She hasn't got freckles. She likes clothes. She is a nice person.
In your family there are three people; your mother, your father and her smaller brother.
Ricordatevi di scrivere sempre a:
inserendo il vostro nome e il numero o la data dell'enigma.
Allora ciao a tutti e buon allena-mente! E alla prossima settimana...
Vi aspettiamo!!!!!
Teacher Monica.
Vi aspettiamo!!!!!
Teacher Monica.
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